Garden State Backup Blog

News & Articles

Traffic Shaping with Red Hat

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Traffic shaping with a RHEL Router Traffic shaping is the ability to prioritize some traffic over others. Networks have limits and shaping gives you the ability to make choices about what traffic is most important when the demands for the ...

Dynamic Routing with Redhat

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RIP Routing with RHEL As a network becomes more complex the need to distribute routing information automatically becomes apparent. Without automation, anytime a router or Internet connection fails, engineers need to visit an ever increasing number of devices in the ...

Engineering Simulations in the Cloud

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Five reasons engineers use the cloud for simulations The challenge is as the complexity of the models increase, so do the computing demands required for meshing, assembly and solving for these increases. The system requirements can quickly scale above those ...

Hacking a Wire

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How hackers used the letter ‘i’ to almost steal $2.5 Million The day started like most with the morning staff meeting filled with the usual banter. There were discussions of upcoming vacations and time off. Someone had to leave early ...

Solidworks Backup

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Secure Solidworks Infrastructure SOLIDWORKS is a powerful tool for solid modeling CAD/CAE and is quickly becoming the choice for design professionals. With so much attention paid to this platform, it’s critically important that a robust data protection plan is put ...